Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September Meeting

 Many thanks to Dolly for hosting the meeting at her lovely home.   


 Lindy's sister Valerie was visiting from Indiana and came along.  Nice for her to meet everyone.

 The ladies were interested in meeting the avians in the back yard!

Then it was inside for a cozy chat.  

 Many things were discussed, but not a lot about the book!  Almost no one had read it - but that seemed OK with everyone.  Three of this series was apparently a bit too much for the group, happy to move on to a different book.


We got a bonus "information session" by Dolly's hubby Matt concerning high-speed internet in the area - an issue we all seem to have.  Will be wonderful if we can take advantage of this new info.  Thanks Matt!

The next book will be "Nothing to See Here" by Kevin Wilson.  This book is about twins that apparently spontaneously combust when they are agitated.  Should be a fun read and definitely something different!!

Dolly has volunteered to host again - next meeting will be October 27th.

Be sure to check out the "other books read" link for reading ideas.