Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June Meeting

Finally a near-normal book club meeting!!!  

Thanks to Jean for giving us a splendid space to have our Covid-spaced meeting  at her new home.

A few of us that had not been there before  got a quick tour of John and Jean's ultra modern house.  Beautiful!

With seating liberally spaced, we were able to have nice catch-up conversations.

And did we mention the cupcakes?  Oh yeah, they were good!  (In addition to all the other goodies and wine, of course!)

We had a nice discussion of the book - Magic Time - serveral ladies enjoyed it - but a few voiced negative reviews - too long, too much like a textbook.  

A great round-the-room discussion of other books we've been reading.  Be sure to click the link at the right - there are A LOT of interesting books on this months list!

As night was falling, we got our feet in the just-perfect water and continued our chats. 

And before long it was time to say our goodbyes.  

We'll continue to meet at Jean's for the next month or two since it's so easy to maintain our separation there and she's so kind to offer to host!!!  

Next month's book will be  Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim - the first of a trilogy.  If you have Amazon Prime, it's $0.00 for the Kindle Edition.