Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December Meeting

What a fun meeting!!!  Carol went "all out" and had a fabulous table set for us -

Lots of fun goodies to munch on!!

Baked Brie....yum!!!!

A little social before getting down to "business"!

Since the hostess always chooses the next book - Carol chose a "classic" this time - The Grapes of Wrath...  the consensus was that no one had read the book in 20 years....so it will be good to re-visit with John Steinbeck!

Then we moved on to the other "business"!!!  Our "Dirty Santa" game....

 This year, Carol came up with a fun twist - she called it "Dutch Dirty Santa".   For each turn, you rolled a large, yellow die.....

And whatever number you rolled - you followed these directions:

 It was a really neat twist - lots of fun and laughs!

Lots of gifts changed hands (many changed hands more than once!)

And we'll leave you with the result of rolling a "number 5"......


Be sure to click the link to the right to see the list of other interesting books members are reading!
