Thursday, March 28, 2019

March Meeting

We were welcomed to Carolyn's beautiful new home where we were treated to great eats and wine. 

There were 6 of us in attendance. 

We all enjoyed "The Last Ballad" by Wiley Cash as we learned more about the many textile mills in the early 20th century.  The workers were treated poorly as the owners became richer and richer.  This story centered around Gastonia, NC and nearby communities.  People from the North came down there to help the workers organize (unionize) in order to be treated and paid more fairly.  This is historical fiction based on a true story.  Some of the characters are not fictional.  We liked how the characters were woven together in an interesting manner.

The first book that MJ had chosen was written by a relative of hers and is entitled "Keys of Life."  She began reading it and decided that it was not a good choice for the book club and chose the above.  However, I had already purchased from Amazon and am now reading it.  It has to do with the Angel Uriel and aspects of the dark people against the light people of the world.  I plan to complete the whole book.

Sharon Perry is our April 23rd hostess.  Carolyn chose "Bad Blood" by John Carreyrou.  It is an account about Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of "Theranos," and the founding then downfall of the company.

Friday, March 1, 2019

February Meeting

We met at Virlies with MJ acting as hostess.  The wine was good, a merlot, I think. Edit: the wine was Trinity Oaks  Pinot Noir.   We welcomed a new member, Sharon Perry.  She is a friend of Lindy's.  There were 7 of us in attendance.  We enjoyed "The Girl Who Fell From the Sky" and discussed alcoholism and other related issues brought out in the story.

Carolyn Boyd will be hosting the March 26 meeting at her new home.  At first MJ had chosen a book written by a cousin of hers.  She began reading it and found it not to be a good one for a book club.  She has changed her choice to "The Last Ballad" by Wiley Cash.  The library has several copies as it had been a library book club choice a while back.  It is also available as an e-book.
Be sure to check out the "other books" tab at the right for additional book ideas!