Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February Meeting

Lot's of folks were not able to attend the February meeting....but the small group that attended had a lively discussion.

The month's book, Want by Lynn Sterger Strong was not well liked....most of the discussion was about the main character and how she was not well-liked, self absorbed and entitled.  

Then discussion topics segued naturally as they tend to do at our meetings!!

The book for the March meeting is hopefully a lighter read - Here One Moment by Liame Moriarty.

Lindy will host the March meeting on the 25th.

Check out the "other books" link - some interesting ones this month.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

January Meeting

Thanks to Jean for being a wonderful hostess as usual!!  


After the normal catch-up chatting, there was a nice discussion of this month's book "Is Paris Burning".  There was a bit of discussion about France and their situation in WWII.

Everyone enjoyed sharing books they've read so check the link out for ideas.  Lot's of reading apparently this chilly winter!

The February book choice is Want by Lynn Steger Strong and the meeting will be at Karen's house on February 25th at 7PM.