After a brief tour of Vilma's new and lovely kitchen improvements, we had a nice discussion of our book - One Good Dog. Most everyone liked the book - but MJ had some thoughtful comments based on her ownership of a pit-bull mix. She emphasized that this book seemed to romanticize the pit-bull breed - and she pointed out that this author had never owned a pit-bull. Since she doesn't really know what's involved, she probably shouldn't allow this book to encourage others to take on ownership of dogs that had been used to fight.
After a brief discussion about several members' trips to the "Women's March" -both in Washington, DC and Raleigh, we discussed the "other books we're reading"...lots of books read since our Christmas meeting at Carol's....lots of bad weather!! Check out the link to the right - sounds like there are several books that are really good.
Next month's book is The Girl Next Door by Ruth Rendell. Be sure to get this particular book since there are several books by this title!!! You can get this book for $4-5 from Amazon (used book) or Donna is hosting next meeting - Tuesday February 28th at 7pm. Hope it doesn't SNOW this time!!!

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