Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February Meeting

Lot's of folks were not able to attend the February meeting....but the small group that attended had a lively discussion.

The month's book, Want by Lynn Sterger Strong was not well liked....most of the discussion was about the main character and how she was not well-liked, self absorbed and entitled.  

Then discussion topics segued naturally as they tend to do at our meetings!!

The book for the March meeting is hopefully a lighter read - Here One Moment by Liame Moriarty.

Lindy will host the March meeting on the 25th.

Check out the "other books" link - some interesting ones this month.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

January Meeting

Thanks to Jean for being a wonderful hostess as usual!!  


After the normal catch-up chatting, there was a nice discussion of this month's book "Is Paris Burning".  There was a bit of discussion about France and their situation in WWII.

Everyone enjoyed sharing books they've read so check the link out for ideas.  Lot's of reading apparently this chilly winter!

The February book choice is Want by Lynn Steger Strong and the meeting will be at Karen's house on February 25th at 7PM.



Sunday, December 15, 2024

December Meeting

 Special thanks to Sharon for hosting our December/Christmas Party!!


 After the usual catching-up chat(s) and yummy snacks we did discuss last month's book, The Waiting Room.  Most of us were in the dark about the "secret" until well towards the end.


It was very well liked by all except MJ.....I guess that's why we read lots of different books!



We eventually moved to the "Dirty Santa" part of the evening.....just a lot of fun. 


Thoughtful fun presents all around.

There was just a bit of "stealing".....


Jean looks a bit sneaky, doesn't she??


Really good fun.

Jean will host the January meeting.....the book for the month will be Is Paris Burning  by Larry Collins and Dominque Lapierre.  

Thursday, October 24, 2024

October Meeting

 Thanks to Bonnie for hosting!!

This month’s book While You Were Out was equally loved/hated.  

Remember that we skip the November meeting and will do our Christmas party on December 12 at Sharon’s house.

The party will be the “Dirty Santa present exchange “ As usual. So bring something fun to share wrapped and try to stay under $20. 

Our next book is “ The Waiting Room” by Emily Bleecker. 

Take a look at the "Other Books we've been reading" link for some new ideas.  

Thursday, September 26, 2024

September Meeting

 Thanks to Linda for hosting and for the absolutely yummy raspberry filled cake!  To those of you who missed the meeting - it was fabulous and we all took some home with us as an added bonus!!

We had a good discussion of the book - Absalom's Daughters.  Most enjoyed it but wasn't a "favorite".  Thanks to MJ for knowing some of the history of the biblical Absalom.  

Lots of good sounding "other books read" this month so check it out if you're looking for something new to read.  

Bonnie will host next month and the book is "While You Were Out" - a non-fiction book so a departure from our "normal" novels1


And a note for the future - Sharon will host the "Christmas" meeting/party sometime in mid December!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August Meeting

 Meeting at Karen's house - sorry that Jean was sick and others were busy.  We had a fun time chatting about the book and other things of course!

This month's book White Houses by Amy Bloom was not overwhelmingly liked.  Sortof - meh.  Everyone did agree that it gave us a lot of insight into the lives FDR and Eleanor must have led.  

Next month's book will be another library book club setup - Absalom's Daughters.  

If you need a copy of the book, please contact Karen as there are  several extra copies.  

Next month's meeting will be at Linda's (correct me if I'm wrong!)

Several interesting "other books we've read" this month so check those out if you need an idea for a good read.

Friday, July 26, 2024

July Meeting


Thanks to Jean for hosting the meeting at her lovely home!!

We all enjoyed "The Lost Girls of Paris" and were not happy how they were used by the British government during WWII.  The things we learn from reading historical fiction!
The book to read for Augusts is "White Houses" by Amy Bloom.  It is about the close relationship of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok.  
Karen will be hosting the next meeting on August 27.