Thursday, September 26, 2024

September Meeting

 Thanks to Linda for hosting and for the absolutely yummy raspberry filled cake!  To those of you who missed the meeting - it was fabulous and we all took some home with us as an added bonus!!

We had a good discussion of the book - Absalom's Daughters.  Most enjoyed it but wasn't a "favorite".  Thanks to MJ for knowing some of the history of the biblical Absalom.  

Lots of good sounding "other books read" this month so check it out if you're looking for something new to read.  

Bonnie will host next month and the book is "While You Were Out" - a non-fiction book so a departure from our "normal" novels1


And a note for the future - Sharon will host the "Christmas" meeting/party sometime in mid December!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August Meeting

 Meeting at Karen's house - sorry that Jean was sick and others were busy.  We had a fun time chatting about the book and other things of course!

This month's book White Houses by Amy Bloom was not overwhelmingly liked.  Sortof - meh.  Everyone did agree that it gave us a lot of insight into the lives FDR and Eleanor must have led.  

Next month's book will be another library book club setup - Absalom's Daughters.  

If you need a copy of the book, please contact Karen as there are  several extra copies.  

Next month's meeting will be at Linda's (correct me if I'm wrong!)

Several interesting "other books we've read" this month so check those out if you need an idea for a good read.

Friday, July 26, 2024

July Meeting


Thanks to Jean for hosting the meeting at her lovely home!!

We all enjoyed "The Lost Girls of Paris" and were not happy how they were used by the British government during WWII.  The things we learn from reading historical fiction!
The book to read for Augusts is "White Houses" by Amy Bloom.  It is about the close relationship of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok.  
Karen will be hosting the next meeting on August 27.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

June Meeting

 Sorry, no photo of the June meeting!

There were 6 members in attendance.  Hope Vilma is feeling better!!💖


We all enjoyed the book and the stories she had to tell.  We decided that it was a shame that the story didn't continue with her time in Switzerland.  Wow, what she went through and many others!

We meet July 23 at Jean's home.  The book is "The Lost Girls of Paris"  by Pam Jenoff.  It is historical fiction.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

May Meeting



We all enjoyed the book learning about how the Indians were treated as Europeans took over the country, East Coast to the West Coast.  This book was about the building of another fort in Wyoming  that was to ensure safety for those coming to a gold rush in Montana and those who were choosing to settle there. Crazy Horse outsmarted the troops and killed most of them.  This was historical fiction.

We will be meeting at Lindy's June 25 for the next meeting.  This month's book is "A Bookshop in Berlin" by Francoise Frenkel and is another from the Library's book club kit.

Monday, May 20, 2024

April Meeting

 Thanks to Jean for hosting!! 


 Next meeting is  May 28 at Sharon's house.   

Our next read is “Ridgeline” by Michael Punke.  The story takes place just after the Civil War out west in Wyoming.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

March Meeting

We met at Vilma's a week late as she had been under-the-weather the week before.  As usual, we had a nice discussion regarding the book, Born a Crime by Trevor Noah.  We all learned more about Apartheid and the construction of townships, such as Soweto.  The " crime" was being born to a black mother and a white (Swiss) father.  Trevor had gone on to being a well-known comic, even outside of South Africa.

Jean will be hosting the April 23rd meeting.  The assigned book is "Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver.  Again, we are using the library's book club kits.