Thanks to Lindy for hosting the January meeting.
The library book club kits are working out great - what a nice service!
We all enjoyed the book and discussed growing tobacco in NC. Linda grew up on a farm and they grew tobacco in the far west of VA. We talked about how the warnings against smoking didn't take place until much later than the story in the book (1940"s) Dolly was not in attendance but sent her thoughts on the story along with returning the book to Sharon. Things that she liked: (1) Every person in the community was expected to play a role in the tobacco industry; interesting to see the breakdown of those roles. (2) The shift in the workforce as WWII ended and the struggles women faced to maintain their space in it. (3) The ingenuity of young girls in general to find ways to have income and gain a skill (sewing) - they used what they had at hand and relied on their intelligence that was often overlooked by the men in their lives and community.