We had a wonderful meeting with our "author of the month" Michele Tracy Berger joining us.
Dolly did a wonderful job as hostess as always!
Daisy joined in as well....
Great discussion, touching on race, society and sisterhood. A big "Thumbs Up" to Michele and her writing style!
It was a treat for the group to get a few questions answered about the actual mechanics of writing.
Be sure to click on the link to the right to see the other books we're reading. (Choose the web version at the bottom of the page to see this link)
The next meeting will be at Sharon's house - a holiday gathering in early December. We'll edit this page on the exact date later. Bring a small gift to share for the "dirty Santa" gift exchange.
Next month's book will be The Match by Harlan Cobin.
And we'll be on the look out for Michele's new book scheduled for March publication.