So sorry for the gap in blog posts.
April Meeting was at Jean's house.
Everyone really liked the book
The Midnight Library and we had lots of deep discussion on things we
would go back and change in our lives if we ended up in the midnight
The book for Next months book club May 24 book is My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout and Bonnie will host.
A couple of photos -
Thanks Bonnie for hosting!
We welcome a new member, Linda Lewis, who is a retired high school
librarian originally from Southwestern Virginia. She now lives in the
new Chatham Park.
Some of us enjoyed "My Name is Lucy Barton." We decided the story
was mostly regarding relationships, especially the mother/daughter one.
The next book is "All the Ways We Said Goodbye" by Beatriz Williams. Lindy will be hosting the next meeting on June 28.
Be sure to check out the list of other books we're reading on the right for ideas for your next book.