We did a bit of catching up personally and enjoyed Sharon's yummy lemon cake. We had a great discussion of this month's book. We even did a quick "toast to Anna Fox" with our wineglasses.
The author of Woman in the Window is published under the pseudonym AJ Finn but his real name is Daniel Mallory. Upon a little internet digging, it was brought up that Daniel Mallory has a less than savory history, including lying and plagiarism. Regardless of that, the book was unanimously liked by the group.
We did pause the book discussion for a few minutes while Jenny corrected a Facebook hacking scare. Glad that worked!
This is the only photo that was taken, unfortunately after Jenny and Betsy had left.
Next month's book will be Bitter Blood - a North Carolina themed true-life murder tale. Written by Jerry Bledsoe - MJ worked at the same newspaper as Jerry in Greensboro as a college intern!
Location of the next meeting is Karen's house.
Check out the link for other interesting books we're reading.