Wednesday, May 26, 2021

May 2020 Meeting

It was so nice to be back together again!  We're all vaccinated and met on Lindy's deck.  We all agreed that Lindy's cake with figs was wonderful.

There was a discussion of the Book Page website - as a good resource.

Our own member Dolly has published her new book - Mine By Design.  She has chosen Becky Moore as her pen name.  It's a romance/suspense novel.  You can get it on Kindle here - and in paperback here!


If you read it, be sure to leave a (glowing) review as it helps her sell more books!!
 Dolly read us the fabulous/funny/heartwarming obituary she has written for her mother (who is alive and well).  If her book is as good as her obituary writing, it's going to be a best seller!!

Two of the members were sporting these tough Made In the NC/USA local crafter's handbags - you can find them here.  We're not trying to sell anything here - just want to share really cool ideas.

Jean will host the June meeting - come at 6 and swim a while before the meeting at 7PM!!  June 22nd.  Our book will be The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende.
By sundown, we were treated to a lovely moonrise!

Of course,  be sure to check out the other books members are reading to the right.