Thanks to Sharon for setting up the Zoom meeting. This was a first for many of us and it was a hoot to see everyone again! Slow internet connections made discussion difficult, so not an ideal fix.
We had a great number participate - Donna was in there but we just couldn't see her!! This particular screen shot doesn't capture any of us smiling.....but there really was much laughter!
The current book - Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano
was well liked by all who had read it....although it made some cry! Heavy material, for sure. Some did not like the change-in-time-reference format of the book, others did not mind it. Fun to have Dolly's inside info.
Good to chat - and fun to hear about everyone's quest for flour and yeast. Strange times! Go to the Phoenix Bakery for your supplies!
We decided that we could tentatively set the next meeting for an IN PERSON gathering outdoors at Jean's house on our regularly scheduled date of June 23rd.
The next book is Magic Time by Doug Marlette
Be sure to check out the other interesting book link for reading ideas.