Monday, October 28, 2019

October Meeting

Thanks to Bonnie for hosting!!

Most who read Saint For All Occasions considered the book to be OK to middling.  We did discuss the Catholic religion and nuns. 

Glad for Carol to join us!  Thanks again for Diane and Lindy's input to the blog.

December 3 is the date for our next meeting to be held at Jean's home.

As usual, we skip November due to Thanksgiving.

Remember - we'll play "Dirty Santa"  at our next meeting - so bring a small gift to share - $10-20 - wrapped but no tags!

The next read as chosen by Bonnie is "Murder On a Girl's Night Out" by Anne George.  It is the first in the Southern Sisters series.

Be sure to check out the "Other Books We're Reading" link for additional reading ideas.