The book this month, True Believer by Kati Marton was almost universally disliked!! Several ladies did not read it....but that's OK!! Luan says that she is unlikely to take recommendations from NPR interviews in the future!
Great spread, Claire - a big hit was the peanut-candy corn combo that tastes like a Payday bar.
Nice to have a visit by Charlee!
Our next book is "Small Great Things" by Jodie Picoult. It deals with racism.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 6
at Carol's home. We will discuss the book and do our regular "Dirty Santa" gift
exchange and possibly play a game - Luan brought up a new game that could
be fun to play called "Catchphrase".
Be sure to check out the link at the right for other book ideas - our members have been busy lately!