Thursday, March 24, 2016

March Meeting

Thanks to Robin for hosting!  

Note from Lindy:

 The discussion on this book is the longest our group has ever had.  What an interesting and scary read.  For myself, I am somewhat familiar with Black Mountain and Montreat having attended a retreat there a couple years ago.  Luan said she became familiar with the book when hearing Ted Koppel being interviewed on NPR regarding a non-fiction book he wrote on the subject.  "Lights Out"  Luan has read that one also and in it he gives suggestions on what one should have as emergency preparation for such an event.  Some of the things listed are items that we already have in our emergency bag for flying.  I believe that Luan has also read or partially read Forstchen's sequel entitled "One Year After."   She commented that it isn't as interesting as the first one but an interesting read just the same.

Books members have read or are reading:  Lindy - Kill Alex Cross by James Patterson (good read) and Donna (borrowed book from Carol) "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of De-cluttering and Organizing" by Marie Kondo.  Donna put it to practice and shared with us how she re-organized her t-shirt drawer and other things.  The author's thesis is to get rid of what doesn't give you joy and pleasure.

Next month we meet at Claire's on April 26.  The book - "The Perfect Son" by Barbara Claypole-White takes place in Durham.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

February Meeting

Looks like Luan put out a wonderful spread for the ladies, as usual!!

"Whistling past the Graveyard", February's book, was well received.

Next read - "One Second After" by William Forstchen

The plan is to meet at Robin's and if she can't, Lindy will host.  
The date for next gathering is March 22.   
Claire will host April and invite an author to our gathering.  That book will be "The Perfect Son" by Barbara Claypole White.
Check out the "Interesting Books" link to see some of the other books members are reading!